Sweet Giants Ganesha


Sweet Giant's Flashback

Black smoke



Sweet Giant's Denver

Red  blotched tabby

Brandy des oiseries

Red silver tb blotched

Sweet giants calamity jane

bleu crème tb blotched

Sweet Giant's Chelsea

Black smoke


Nicolette scoubidou

Silver tabby blotched


Baby doo des Ouiseries

Black smoke & blanc

Sweet Giant's Debbie

Black silver Tortie blotched tabby

Brandy des oiseries

Red silver tb blotched

Ypsilon of gentle lions

Silver tabby mackerel et blanc

Roxanne of silvrettacoon

Tortie tb blotched et blanc

Sweet giants calamity jane
bleu crème tb blotched

Langstteich’s P’Safran

Crème silver tabby

Angie de l’Ecrin Vert

Black silver tabby blotched